Game of numbers

Last night in hospital…
Could this truly be the last time we spend a night in the hospital?!? Ever and Forever!?!  That’s the plan! My emotions are running extremely high, one second I want to scream and cry from happiness and then another from fear.
As I sit next to Nela and looking at her as she is peacefully sleeping, I go down the memory line of all the hospital nights and days she has had in the last 10 months
Here is a little game of numbers

11 chemo cycles
50 nights in hospital
9 times she was put under anesthesia for scans (including MRI, PET, CT, Bone scan)
2 bone marrow aspiration procedures
2 spinal tap biopsy
2 major surgeries across the country
1 port in surgery and hopefully second soon to take it out
12 blood transfusions
6 platelets transfusions
30 shots to bust her white blood cells
5 echos
5 chest x-rays
2 times a week going for lab work were she gets poked to draw blood
I’m sure I’m forgetting something, but even the parts that I remember are plenty.

So what now? I would think that if you made it thru something like this list you would have a long life full off happiness, health and never ever have to worry about a thing!! Well, in this sick cancer world it doesn’t always end up that way. That’s why new promising less harsh treatments are so needed for kiddos like Nela.

But for us for now, we will do the scans towards the end of the month, or as soon as we work it out with the insurance. Scanxaty will be as high as it always is, or it seems like it goes up a notch every time. And hopefully with clean scans we can schedule a surgery to get the port out…

And then plan is to do scans every 2 months for the first few scans, and then hopefully spread them out to every 3, 6, a year..

There is currently no trials that Nela would qualify for when it comes to maintenance chemo. I guess this is good since those trials are for higher risk of relapse cases.  But we will continue to use some of the home remedies that seem to be beneficial, like her diet, detox, essential oils and anything and everything else that we can find that seems to be working to make sure word cancer is not something we have to deal with again.

Once again to all your sweet sweet souls, thank you for standing by us!!!

Hoping, begging, praying this is truly the last time she has to sleep in a hospital bed


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